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HypeIndex investor hype tool Logo

Detect hype before it moves the market



HYPEINDEX extracts signals from the noise

By continuously listening for shifts in the digital landscape, HYPEINDEX detects groundswells before they surface, giving investors timely indicators and alerts on the state of the market.

Noise to Signal Diagram-08.png

Sentiment Analysis

Scraped articles are analyzed, tagged and scored for sentiment


Custom models inform our proprietary index which correlates Hype with price

Machine Learning

Algorithms continuously calibrate and improve results with use

Creating insights from real-time data

HYPEINDEX scrapes content from press releases, traditional media and social networks and uses Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, and Machine Learning to constantly read and interpret the market.


Receive Alerts

First sentiment changes - then the market. Get notified of shifts in the market psychology before they're seen in the price.

HypeIndex investor tool -  Hype alert
HypeIndex Hype Graph

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